
To start the onboarding process:

  1. Access the email sent by the Licensing/Sales Team which contains the product license and activation link. Click on the activation link to start.

    Purchase Email

  2. In the Activate Solutions for your registered business window, choose the My business is not registered to Trend Micro option.

    Activate Solution

  3. Provide your First name, Last name, Email address, and password, and then click Verify Email.

    Register License

    A system-generated email will be sent to you containing a verification code.

    Verification Code

  4. Enter the verification code and click Submit.

    Verify Email

  5. Add the Business name and Country/Region then click Complete Registration.

    Complete Registration

  6. Acknowledge the Trend Micro Agreement, Privacy Notice, and Data Collection Notice by ticking the checkbox and then clicking Activate.

    Terms and Conditions

  7. Wait for the Activation process to complete.

  8. Depending on the license(s) activated, one of the following can happen:
    • If the license(s) contain Enterprise products ONLY, the "Activation Successful" status will be shown, and the system will send a confirmation email containing the activation details.

      Activation Successful

    • If the license(s) contain SMB products, the "Activation successful" status will be shown, and additionally gives the option to access the Trend Vision One portal or Customer Licensing Portal to manage the activated solutions. Choose accordingly.

      Activation Successful

    When completed, a confirmation email will be received containing the activated Trend Micro products.

    Activation Successful

  9. Choose a Region for the Trend Vision One console.

    Select Region

  10. Wait for the Provision process to finish.


    Once finished, the Product License Information will be shown on the Trend Vision One console.

    Provision list

  11. Navigate to Platform Directory and a guided introduction to Trend Vision One will be shown. Under the Security Functions window, click Go to App and select Email Account Inventory.

    On-screen Guide

  12. It will open the page where you can provision Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection and Email Gateway Protection.