Deep Security Manager (DSM) 20.0.513 or later has a feature called 'Migrate to Workload Security' that allows users to migrate data to Cloud One Workload Security. This feature can also help evaluate the migration process. To migrate data to Trend Micro Server & Workload Protection, users must provide the correct API key and region.
Before proceeding with the migration, users must update Trend Vision One to the Foundation Services Release and provision a new Server & Workload Protection. To obtain the API key, users must log in to Trend Vision One, go to Endpoint Security Operations > Server & Workload Protection, and navigate to Administration > User Management > API keys. A new API key with the predefined role 'Deep Security Migration' must be created and saved for later use.
The region of Server & Workload Protection can be found by using the ACTIVATIONURL in the Deployment Scripts. The region mapping is summarized in a table provided in the article. To migrate data, users must use the 'Migrate to Workload Security' feature in DSM and provide the API key and region. The article 'Migrate to Workload Security' provides more information on the feature, prerequisites, limitations, and the order of operations for a successful migration.
To verify the migration, users can check the DSM UI's status, which should show 'Migrated' or 'Move Complete'. In Trend Micro Server & Workload Protection, the new migrated objects should appear.