
If servers running RHEL 8 and DSA is in a hang state, it may be necessary to upgrade DSA to the latest version. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall the current DSA using the command sudo rpm -ev ds_agent.
  2. Make sure that the directories were cleaned up using the commands sudo rm -r /var/opt/ds_agent/ and sudo rm -r /opt/ds_agent/.
  3. Download the DSA installer and latest Kernel Service Pack (KSP) for RHEL 8 from the Trend Micro website.
  4. In Deep Security Manager (DSM), go to Administration > Updates > Software > Local > Import to import the KSP packages.
  5. Install the latest DSA (20.0.1-3180) and activate it in Deep Security Manager (DSM).

After completing these steps, DSA should be upgraded to the latest version and the hang state issue should be resolved. If the issue persists, please contact Trend Micro Support for further assistance.