Before proceeding with the steps to update your license, ensure that you have another machine with an internet connection and Security Server installed. 

Here are the steps to update license information for a Security Server without an internet connection:
  1. Copy ofcserver.ini from the Private Folder on the Security Server where you intend to update the license information.
To navigate to the Private Folder, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Private.
  1. On a machine with internet access and installed with a Security Server, backup its ofcserver.ini. Then, replace it with the ofcserver.ini from the Security Server in Step 1.
  2. Log in to the console of the Security Server and refresh the license information. 
To refresh license information, please refer to this article: License Information update - Worry-Free Business Security ( 
After replacing the ofcserver.ini file, it will use the password from the console where it was obtained.
  1. After refreshing the license information, return the ofcserver.ini to the original server, and restore the backed-up ofcserver.ini.