

  1. Log in to the SMS from a client.
  2. On the SMS toolbar, navigate to the Devices > All Devices and expand the tab.
  3. Select an IPS device from the display window and do one of the following:
    • Right-click and select Edit > Device Configuration.
    • On the top menu, select Edit > Details > Device Configuration.
    • Double-click the device and click on Device Configuration.
  4. On the Device Configuration Wizard screen, click the Management Information option.
  5. Click on Reset IPS Filters.
  6. The Reset IPS Filters caution dialog box displays.
  7. Click OK to set the reset filters flag.
  8. Click OK to update the device and save your settings.
NOTE: After resetting the filters, a popup notifies the user when the reset has been completed. The reset process may take several minutes. Any profile distributions attempted before the reset has been completed will fail because the device is still busy resetting the filters.


Reference: SMS User Guide