
CADS Error

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Option 1. Manually replace the old Certificate Authority (CA) with the new CA in the CADS tool by following the steps below:

  1. Download the new root CA: Amazon Root CA.pem
  2. Change the name to “lds0” and replace the file “lds0” located in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Trend Micro Common AD Service\ADSyncAgent\” folder.
  3. Perform a Machine Reboot.
  4. Launch CADS agent found in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Trend Micro Common AD Service\” with administrator privilege.
  5. Click Test Connection to confirm the settings.
  6. Click Apply to save and synchronize the settings with Active Directory.

Option 2. Administrator can download CADS agent version 6.7.1088 from the web console, uninstall old CADS agent (version or older) and install CADS agent version 6.7.1088 or later.

Administrators need to uninstall the existing CADS agent first as the new CADS agent installer won’t automatically uninstall the existing one.

Below are the detailed steps:

  1. From Windows Add/Remove Programs, uninstall the existing CADS agent.
  2. After the existing CADS agent is uninstalled, manually delete all folders and files under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Trend Micro Common AD Service".
  3. From the WFBS-SVC console, download and install the CADS agent version 6.7.1088 or later.
  4. After the new CADS Agent is installed, launch CADS agent as administrator privilege.
  5. Follow the CADS synchronization tool setting steps on WFBS-SVC web console > Administration > Active Directory Settings to setup the new CADS.
  6. Click Test Connection to confirm the settings.
  7. Click Apply to save and synchronize the settings with Active Directory.

For more details, refer to this article: Configuring Active Directory Server Integration

For further support assistance, please contact Trend Micro Technical Support.