

This data is collected as part of device registration, and this microservice utilizes this data to display inventory to the user.

Data Collected
  • Instance Type
  • AWS account ID (AWS account number)
  • AWS region
  • Availability zone
  • Customer VPC information such as VPC ID, Gateway ID,Instance ID, region
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Billing (Pay-As-You-Go)

This data is collected to understand usage and bill users accordingly.

Data Collected
  • Cloud One Account ID
  • Inspected bytes counter
  • AWS Account ID where NSVA is deployed
  • AWS Subscription ID (generated by CloudOne)
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Internal Telemetry

This data is collected to understand usage habits for internal measurements and product design. No individually identifying elements are used in any reports

Data Collected
  • Cloud One Account ID
  • Instance ID
  • Instance Type
  • Inspected Bytes counter
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Policy Management

This data is collected to determine uniqueness of a device distribution and record the customization of filter behavior.

Data Collected
  • Appliance ID
  • Filter overrides
  • AWS principals
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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AWS Connector

This data is collected to scan, collect, process and organize AWS assets of the customers.

Data Collected
  • AWS Account ID (AWS account number)
  • Cross-account IAM
  • Customer VPC information such as VPC ID, Gateway ID
  • Instance ID
  • Region
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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This data collection is based on customer configuration and not identifying.

Data Collected
  • Incidental data stored as a result of monitoring or security events.
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Device Management

This data is used to troubleshoot configuration of security devices.

Data Collected
  • Appliance configuration
  • Instance ID
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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This data is used to identify the device to distribute related configurations.

Data Collected
  • Appliance instance ID
  • AWS Account ID (same as Tenant ID)
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

This data is used to correlate event logs and system messaging to the source company. This aids in troubleshooting and root cause analysis of issues.

Data Collected
  • Company ID (Customer is assigned this ID by Trend Micro)
  • Cloud One Account ID
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Device Monitoring

This data is collected to scan, collect, process and organize AWS assets of the customers.

Data Collected
  • AWS Account ID
  • Appliance ID
  • Inspected Bytes
  • Device Health status
  • Matched filters, and Triggered filters
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Network Security Hosted Infrastructure Monitoring

Data collected
  • AWS Account ID
  • Appliance health events
  • Inspected Bytes
  • Event Logs
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Network Security Hosted Infrastructure Bypass

This data is collected to detect the need for a device to bypass traffic and record the behavior of that device.

Data collected
  • AWS Account ID
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Network Security Hosted Infrastructure Upgrade

This data is stored as identifiers of a managed service stack and to track upgrade progress.

Data collected
  • AWS Account ID
  • VPC ID
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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Network Security Hosted Infrastructure Routing Guidance Script

This data is collected to improve the routing guidance script and better understand how the target VPC is configured.

Data collected
  • AWS Account ID (AWS account number)
  • Target VPC configuration information such as VPC ID and Availability Zones
  • Region
DetailsThis data is required to utilize the Cloud One - Network Security product, and collection of this information cannot be disabled.

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