Both 32-bit and 64-bit scan engines should be updated at the same time.
Click image to enlarge
1. Preparation for 32-bit Engine Upgrade.
- Go to the Trend Micro Scan Engine Updates page and download the latest Scan Engine for Windows 32-bit.
- Rename the ZIP file to "".
- Extract the contents of the file to the ..\PCCSRV\pccnt\Drv folder.
- Copy the file to the ..\PCCSRV\Download and ..\PCCSRV\Download\engine folders.
- Check the properties of the file then note its file size in bytes.
2. Preparation for 64-bit Engine Upgrade.
- Go to the Trend Micro Scan Engine Updates page and download the latest Scan Engine for Windows 64-bit
- Rename the ZIP file to "".
- Extract the contents of the file to the ..\PCCSRV\pccnt\drv\X64 folder.
- Copy the file to the ..\PCCSRV\Download and ..\PCCSRV\Download\engine folders.
- Check the properties of the file then note its file size in bytes.
3. Modify server.ini in the ‘download’ directory.
The PCCSRV\download\server.ini file with the relevant lines (other lines are snipped for clarity).
Each engine type has a ‘Tag’ line and a ‘Path’ line (4 lines in total to me modified 2x x86, 2x x64)
- Tag E.10 for 32-bit Engine
- Tag E.1000 for 64-bit Engine
List of changes:
- Change the paths to reflect the engine package
- Change the version to reflect the build version
- Change the size in bytes to reflect the size of the engine package
- The ‘6.51.1002’ value is a legacy/default value and remains unchanged
Example server.ini snippet with the following attribute values:
- 32-bit Engine path = engine\
- 64-bit Engine path = engine\
- 32-bit Engine version = 9.900.1008
- 64-bit Engine version = 9.900.1008
Click image to enlarge
[ENGINE] E.10=VSAPI32_NT_KD, engine/, 9.900.1008, 1383504, 6.51.1002 E.1000=VSAPI_AMD64_NTKD, engine/, 9.900.1008, 1251242, 6.51.1002 Path_VSAPI32_NT_KD=engine/, 9.900, 1383504 Path_PREVSAPI32_95=engine/, 9.900, 1251242
4. Update the version in the Dashboard page.
- Open the ..\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file in a text editor.
Under "INI_PROGRAM_VERSION_SECTION", change the value of:
- "EngineNT_Version" parameter to (the version and build number of the Scan Engine).
- "EngineX64_Version" parameter to (the version and build number of the Scan Engine).
- Save and close the file.
5. Update component.ini in \PCCSRV\Private\component.ini
Convert the scan engine version to decimal.
- Scan Engine Version and Build = 9.900.1008 (MajorVersion.MinorVersion.Build)
- Set build to 0 => 9.900.0
Convert Hex to Decimal (remove periods and use a scientific calculator)
Hex: 99000 = DEC: 626688
For 32-bit Engine:
- Scroll to component [6104]
Modify the ‘Version’ value to be ‘Engine version as DEC engineBuild 0’:
The following example is for engine 9.900.1008:
Version=626688 1008 0
Modify the PkgFile value:
For 64-bit Engine
- Scroll to component [6035]
Modify the ‘Version’ value to be ‘Engine version as DEC engineBuild 0’:
The following example is for engine 9.900.1008
Version=626688 1008 0
Modify the PkgFile value:
Once you have updated the component.ini file as above, close and save your changes.
6. Verification
Click image to enlarge
Perform a manual update and verify the version details.
Click image to enlarge