The following conditions need to be met before configuring the auto-launch function:
- Mobile Security for Enterprise 9.7 version or later
- The Android device is enrolled in AirWatch
- Only supports Samsung devices
- The communication server must be configured to either Local Communication server or Cloud Communication Server
To configure the auto-enroll, follow the steps below:
- Login to the TMMS for Enterprise Web console, then go to Administration > Deployment Settings.
- Set the parameters for AirWatch integration, then click Verify Settings to confirm that the settings has no problem.
After the successful configuration of the AirWatch parameter, there will be some devices listed in the Device tab, which is synced from AirWatch, that will show the Inactive status.
- "Use preset Enrollment Key" setting should be enabled.
- Set the Android enrollment to auto-install and upload the customized apk to AirWatch. Do the following:
The application will now show in the AirWatch console.
To configure the auto-launch, do the following steps:
- Configure the Files/Actions from the AirWatch console. Do the following:
- From the AirWatch console, go to Devices > Staging & Provisioning > Components > Files/Actions.
- Click Add > Android.
- In the General tab, provide the information for the Name and Descriptionfields.
- Go to the Manifest tab, then click Add Action, located under the Install Manifest section.
- In the Add Manifest options, provide the following information, then click Save:
- Action(s) to Perform: Run Intent
- Command Line and Arguments to run:
mode=explicit,broadcast=false,action=android.intent.action.MAIN,package=com.trendmicro.tmmssuite.enterprise,class=com.trendmicro.tmmssuite.enterprise.ui.TmmsEnterpriseSplashScreen - TimeOut: [any]
- In the Add Files/Actions page, click Save.
- Configuring the Product. Follow the steps below:
- From the AirWatch console, go to Devices > Staging & Provisioning > Product List View.
- Click Add Product > Android.
- In the General tab, provide the information for the Name, Description, and Assigned Groups fields.
- Go to the Manifest tab, then click Add, to add the manifest.
- In the Add Manifest options, provide the following information, then click Save:
- Action(s) to Perform: Install Files/Actions
- Files/Actions: TestLauncher
- In the Add Product page, click Save.
- Configuring the Application. Do the steps below:
By enrolling to AirWatch, the AirWatch Samsung Admin ELM Service will be automatically installed, and the TMMS agent will be installed and launched automatically on Samsung devices.
When a user has been configured for automatic enrollment, but the Administrator decided to switch to Google Play or Enterprise version, the following should be done:
- Uninstall the TMMS for Enterprise agent from the client side.
- Switch the Android deployment mode to Full Version (Mobile Device Management + Security Scan).
- Download the the TMMS for Enterprise agent and enroll again.