
To resolve the issue, do the following:

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) manager.
  2. Expand the server hostname, then go to Sites > OfficeScan > officescan.
  3. Select the hotfix_admin folder.
  4. On the right pane, double-click on MIME types.
  5. Add a new MIME Type with the following properties:
    • File name extension: "."
    • MIME type: "application/octetstream"

    MIME Type

  6. Restart the IIS, Security Server Master Service, and WWW Publishing Service.
  7. Go to the affected agent, and verify if the error is gone by accessing the following URL:
    http://[server name]:[port]/officescan/hotfix_admin/TmUn
  8. If errors are not encountered, try to run a manual update or wait for the agent to automatically update itself.