
On January 3, 2018, Microsoft began to release its monthly Security Bulletin early for some platforms due to newly revealed CPU security flaws - commonly referred to as "Meltdown" and "Spectre". Microsoft's January 2018 patches implement new requirements (KB4072699) to target the delivery of the patches and to ensure that security and anti-malware software is compatible. 

UPDATE - Microsoft has revised and/or removed some of the earlier reported requirements for security patches (such as a previous REGKEY) in KB4072699 above. The remainder of this article has been updated to reflect the updated guidance.

Microsoft has requested that security vendors verify product compatibility with this new patch, and Trend Micro commercial endpoint and server security products - including Trend Micro OfficeScan, Worry-Free Business Security, and Deep Security - are affected by these new Microsoft requirements. Our compatibility testing is underway and the latest information can be found below.

Compatibility Testing

As part of our regular process, Trend Micro's product development team conducts pre-release compatibility testing with Microsoft security releases to try prevent major issues. Due to the early emergency deployment of Microsoft's patch beginning on January 3, Trend Micro's complete compatibility testing was not finalized on day zero. However, Trend Micro has completed testing on the endpoint and server security products listed below and will continue to update this article as necessary.

ProductTested Version(s)Platform
OfficeScan11.0 and aboveWindows
Worry-Free Business Security Standard/Advanced9.0 and aboveWindows
Worry-Free Business Security Services6.2 and aboveWindows
ServerProtect for Storage6.0Windows
ServerProtect for Microsoft Windows (SPNT)5.8Windows
ServerProtect for EMC Celerra (SPEMC)5.8Windows/EMC
ServerProtect for Network Appliance Filers (SPNAF)5.8Windows/NAF
Deep Security (Agent and Virtual Appliance)9.0, 9.5, 9.6, 10.0 and aboveWindows
Trend Micro Vulnerability Protection2.0Windows
Trend Micro Endpoint Sensor1.6Windows
Trend Micro IM Security1.6 and 1.6.5Windows
PortalProtect for SharePoint2.1, 2.1 R2 and 2.5Windows
Control Manager7.0Windows
Trend Micro ScanMail for Exchange12.0, 12.5*Windows

* Please note that even though Trend Micro ScanMail for Exchange is a messaging security product, Trend Micro did find some initial incompatibility with the January 3rd patches after testing.  Microsoft identified the issue on their end and has released some updates to resolve this.  Please see article Trend Micro KB article 1119222 for more information.


Non-Microsoft Solution Compatibility

As Microsoft products are not the only ones affected by Meltdown and Spectre, Trend Micro has information on other solutions and platforms such as Apple macOS and Linux. Below are some links to specific information on compatibility of Trend Micro products with non-Microsoft operating systems:

Trend Micro Protection

As of now, there are no current known in-the-wild exploits of the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities. However, there have been some proof of concept (POC) ones shared in the community which highlight some theoretical remote attacks using Spectre. Trend Micro has proactively released the following out-of-band updates:

  • Trend Micro TippingPoint - Digtal Vaccine #DV9051
  • Trend Micro Deep Security & Vulnerability Protection - DSRU18-003

External Reference(s)

Trend Micro Blogs

Microsoft Information

Other 3rd Party Information