  1. Integrate an on-premise Active Directory (AD) as the Identity Repository.
    We use "AD Connect" as an example, if you have integrated AD in other ways (e.g. LDAP directory), please skip this step.
    1. Select "Active Directory".

      Select AD

    2. Download AD Connect and install it in AD host.

      Connect to ID Repo

    3. Set authentication to "sAMAccountName".

      Setup Authentication

    4. Set SAML_SUBJECT to "sAMAccountName", and save the draft.

      Set SAML Subject

  2. Add a new SAML application and configure the settings:
    1. Add a new SAML application, and specify the application name.

      Add Application

      App Details

    2. Configure SAML Settings.
      1. Set the following values:
        • Assertion Consumer Service (ACS): https://<host-to-your-ApexCentral>/WebApp/login.aspx
        • Entity ID: https://<host-to-your-ApexCentral>/WebApp/login.aspx
        • Signing: Sign Assertion

        SAML Settings

      2. Add new attribute with following settings:
        • Application Attribute:

          App Attribute

        • Click the Advanced button, and do the following:
          • Add "<NETBIOS domain name>\" on the first attribute, then tick As Literal.
          • Add "sAMAccountName" on the second attribute.

          Advanced Attributes

      3. Set the Group Access.

        Group Access

      4. Make sure that the SAML settings are correct.

        Confirm SAML Settings

  1. Integrate AD with Apex One as a Service.
    For detailed instructions refer to step 2 of Synchronize AD information and authenticate AD accounts from this article: Integrate Active Directory (AD) with Apex One as a Service.
  2. In Apex Central, go to Administration > Account Management > User Accounts.
  3. Click Add.

    Add User Account

  4. Select Active Directory user or group, specify the User/Group name, and click Next.

    User Information

  5. Select the desired role, configure folder options, and click Save.

    Add new user

  6. Configure ADFS for Apex Central:
    1. Go to Administration > Settings > Active Directory and Compliance Settings > Active Directory Settings.
    2. Select the following:
      • Enable Active Directory synchronization
      • Enable Active Directory authentication
    3. Specify the SSO service URL and Service identifier, and select the Signing certificate:
      Field Name on Apex Central setting pagePing Identity Attribute Name
      SSO service URLFrom SAML Metadata:

      SAML Metadata

      Server identifierSingle Sign-On (SSO) Relay State
      Server certificateSigning Certificate

      Active Directory Settings

  1. Switch to the Ping Dock and login as a user of the group granted with the access to the Apex Central service.
  2. Click the application to initiate SSO to Apex Central.

    Ping One Application

SP Initiated SSO

Enter an AD user in Apex Central login console, browser will redirect page to Ping. After authentication, the page will be redirected back to Apex Central.

Ping One login