- If Apex One server website uses a 3rd party certificate (e,g, a certificate signed by corporate Certificate Authority), please follow Step 6 described in this KB article: Configuring Apex One to use a certificate signed by corporate Certificate Authority.
- Move any non–self-signed certificates out of the Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store and into the Intermediate Certification Authorities certificate store.
- Turn on the Exclusive CA Trust mode on the OS:
Name: ClientAuthTrustMode
Type: REG_DWORD Value: 2
- (Optional) If Apex One Server uses self-signed certificate and is already expired, please follow the steps below to renew Apex One Server web site certificate.
- Renew Apex One Server web site certificate.
- On the OfficeScan server, open a command prompt.
- Go to the \Program Files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan\PCCSRV directory.
- Run the following command to add a new certificate to the IIS certificate store:
svrsvcsetup –GenIISCert
- Confirm the renewal of the certificate.
- Open the IIS Manager console (inetmgr.exe).
- In the IIS Manager, expand the Sites folder and highlight the OfficeScan virtual site.
- In the Actions pane, click Bindings... to open the Site Bindings window.
- In the Site Bindings window, select type="https" and click Edit.... The Edit Site Binding window will appear.
- From the SSL Certificate section, click the Select... button and verify that the certificate expiration date has been extended, or select the certificate with the latest expiration date.
- Click OK to close the window.
- Remove old web site certificate.
- Open the Certificates MMC Snap-In.
- Navigate to the Local Computer/Personal store, and find the expired certificate.
- Right-click on the certificate, then select Delete.
- Renew Apex One Server web site certificate.
Make sure the certificates exist and is valid:
- Trusted Root Certificate Authorities > Certificates > OfcOSFWebRootCA
- OfcOSF > Certificates > OfcOSFWebApp
- To verify if the steps performed worked, run the command:
Test “OSFWebApp” > svrsvcsetup.exe -testOSFWebApp
Result should return HTTP 200 status if issue has been resolved. - Re-deploy policies again from Apex Central.
If the issue persists:
- Collect CDT Log by following this KB article: https://success.trendmicro.com/solution/KA-0011430
- Apex Central Server CDT
- Apex One Server CDT
- Submit support ticket to Trend Micro Technical Support.