To fix this issue:
- Reset the SQL account password using the SqlTxfr tool and test if issue can be fixed.
- If the issue persists, consider removing special characters used in the SQL account password (e.g. Turkish characters).
To fix this issue:
Apex CentralAll , Apex OneAll
Policy deployment from Apex Central to Apex One fails, and the following error is returned:
Error Code: System error. Error ID: -1
Root Cause Analysis
The following is found in the ApexOne_ofcdebug.log file:
2019 10/17 15:13:12 [5484 : 0009] (00) (F) [-OSFDB-][w3wp.exe]SQLException Error = 18456, Msg = Login failed for user '[username]'. - [OSF_Data_Svc_Core.cs(74)] 2019 10/17 15:13:12 [5484 : 0009] (00) (F) [-OSFDB-][w3wp.exe][DisplaySqlErrors] Got SQL exceprion: (Index #0 Message: Login failed for user '[username]'. LineNumber: 65536 Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider Procedure: ). - [OSF_Data_Svc_Core.cs(498)]
The issue happens when special characters (e.g. Turkish characters) were used in the password of the SQL database. The encrypted password might become mismatched between ofcserver.ini and web.config file of OSF, which will cause policy deployment failure.
To fix this issue: