Object TypeObject AttributeQuery ProtocolSync Scope
OU, Computer
  1. name
  2. objectid
  3. distinguishedname
  1. Forest
  2. Trusted Forest
  1. name
  2. objectid
  3. Location
  4. Subnets
  5. Subnets
  1. sAMAccountName
  2. distinguishedName
  3. manager
  4. directReports
  5. objectGUID
  6. mail/proxyAddress/userPrincipalName
  7. title
  8. department
  9. telephoneNumber/homePhone
  10. physicalDeliveryOfficeName
  11. userAccountControl
  12. displayName
  13. objectSID
  1. objectGUID
  2. cn
  3. distinguishedName
  4. member
  5. objectSID
Some information used by Apex Central, such as geographic location and user membership in global groups or domain local groups, cannot be synchronized from a global catalog with default settings.
Choose to synchronize from a global catalog only if your network policy restricts Apex Central from connecting to all domain controllers.

Performance data of 80,000 AD objects (mixed with AD Computer, AD User, AD Group) synchronization:

  1. Synced AD package size is around 8.52 MB
  2. Entire Synchronization takes around 15 minutes
  • Synced AD objects did not have limitation, however AD package size upper limit is 65 MB
  • One AD sync tool can connect to multiple forests for synchronization IF network connectivity is available.

For more details on how AD sync works, refer to the KB article: Information about AD Sync in Apex Central / Apex One as a Service.