After upgrading from TMCM 6.0 to Apex Central 2019, policy deployment to OfficeScan fails as shown on Apex Central. The following error is shown:
"Command Details" is displayed following message
Status : Unsuccessful
Description : System Error. Error ID:-1
Root Cause Analysis
In the TMCM_sCloudProcessor.log located at ApexCentral_2019\CollectedFile\Event2, it indicates that https://[Apex Central FQDN]:443/WebApp/widget/task_controller.php returned a 500 error which may indicate the wrong php.ini.
2019-12-10 16:22:15,819 434780002 [5] INFO TrendMicro.TMCM.sCloudProcessor.CommonSender.TaskDispatcher - [Send]: TaskURI(https://[Apex Central FQDN]:443/WebApp/widget/task_controller.php) : TaskParams(ProductID=15.4&TemplateVersion=1.0&Settings=%7b%22data%22%3a%5b%7b%22wcomponent_name%22%3a%22comOSCEASS%22%2c%22wcomponent_version%22%3a%222.2%22%2c%22wcomponent_order%22%3a1%2c%22type%22%3a11%2c%22settings%22%3a%7b%22apply_all%22%3a1%2c%22apply_aegis_service%22%3a1%2c%22apply_antimalware_service%22%3a1%2c%22apply_firewall_service%22%3a1%2c%22enable_firewall%22%3a1%2c%22apply_wr_service%22%3a1%2c%22is_server%22%3a0%2c%22setting_antimalware%22%3a1%2c%..... [5] ERROR TrendMicro.TMCM.sCloudProcessor.CommonSender.TaskDispatcher - [Send] TaskDispatcher SendRequest Exception: リモート サーバーがエラーを返しました: (500) 内部サーバー エラーです
2019-12-10 16:22:15,944 434780127 [5] DEBUG TrendMicro.TMCM.Utilities.PolicyDatabaseWrapper.ServerList - [1]UpdateServerStatus Info:F31D9DA85973-4B199F48-CEE0-93E2-7D01:-1
2019-12-10 16:22:15,944 434780127 [5] ERROR TrendMicro.TMCM.Utilities.PolicyDatabaseWrapper.ServerList - UpdateServerStatus Exception [-1]: -1
2019-12-10 16:22:15,944 434780127 [5] DEBUG TrendMicro.TMCM.Utilities.PolicyDatabaseWrapper.ServerList - [2]UpdateServerStatus Code:-1
The root cause is a bug in the Apex Central installer, which does not migrate php.ini file in the folder "..\Trend Micro\Control Manager\PHP\" when upgrading. The incorrect file leads to the failure in policy deployment.
This issue can be fixed by upgrading to the latest version of Apex Central located in the Download Center.
If the problem is not resolved, follow these steps to manually replace php.ini:
- In the newly installed Apex Central server, navigate to ...\Trend Micro\Control Manager\PHP\.
- Copy the php.ini file to the Apex Central server which has the issue, then reboot it.
- Check if the policy can be deployed.