
To resolve this issue, follow the recommendations below.

  • Check the Agent activation syntax for any typographical errors.

    The following is the syntax for activating the Agent manually:

    dsa_control -a dsm:// "tenantID:<tenant ID>" "token:<token>"

    To find the appropriate values for <tenant ID> and <token> in the Workload Security console, go to Support > Deployment Scripts, scroll to the end of the script that is generated, and copy the tenant ID and token values.

    To avoid errors, you can activate the agent through a deployment script. See Use deployment scripts to add and protect computers for details.

  • Double-check the Agent-Initiated Activation settings.

    Under Administration > System Settings > Agents, in the Cloud One Workload Security console, verify the Agent-Initiated Activation setting. The Allow-Agent-Initiated Activation box should be checked:

    System Settings

  • Check the communication between Agent and Manager.

    You can follow these steps to verify the communication of the machine to the Cloud One Workload Security servers:

    1. Open Command prompt. Check if you can resolve the following hostname. If the hostname can't be resolved, fix the DNS settings of the server.


      Command line

    2. Do a telnet test to the following URLs:

      telnet 443
      telnet 443

    If the activation is still failing, verify if you have an access list, security group, a Firewall or any device that might be blocking the connection or has SSL inspection enabled. The port number, URLs, IP addresses and protocols being used by Cloud One - Workload Security can be found on this article. If you are using a proxy, you can refer to this article for the configuration steps.

  • Verify Agent service status.

    Make sure that the agent service is running. If it is, try restarting the agent service and reactivate the agent again.

    For Windows:

    1. Open Command prompt.
    2. Run the following agent commands:

      cd C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent
      dsa_control -s 0 -p <password>

    3. Open Services.msc.
    4. Restart the Trend Micro Deep Security Agent service.
    5. Re-try the agent activation command.

    For Linux:

    1. Run the following command:

      sudo service ds_agent restart

    2. Re-try the agent activation command.