
The full configuration replication from DDD restarts all services on DDEI.

To avoid restart on recurring deployments, apply DDEI 5.1 Hotfix 1426 or later, and follow the steps below to import only policy settings (policies, policy objects, and policy exceptions):

  1. Login DDEI hidden page: https://{DDEI_IP}/hidden/rdqa.php
  2. Go to page: Deep Discovery Director
  3. Tick the checkbox: “Import only policy settings replicated from Deep Discovery Director”.
  4. Save the settings.

DDEI 5.1 Hotfix 1426 Enhancement

This hotfix provides the option on the hidden page to import only policy settings replicated from DDD and set DDEI to bypass policy replication from Deep Discovery Director when policy settings are the same.


To install this hotfix (B1426), DDEI version needs to be at least 5.1 GM (1145).