
What's New

  • Threat Name Auto-Suggest for Policy Event Log Searches

    TMEMS now automatically displays popular or top threats detected in your environment such as quishing to speed up your search for policy event logs based on threat names.

  • Descriptions Added to Email Addresses in Address Groups

    With the enhancements in policy object features, you can now add descriptions for email addresses within address groups. These email address descriptions will help you better identify and manage your email addresses.

Deployment Schedule and Scope

RegionStart Date/TimeEnd Date/TimeTime Zone
ANZ/US2024-05-20 09:30:002024-05-20 18:00:00GTM+8
EMEA/SG/IN2024-05-21 09:30:002024-05-21 18:00:00GTM+8
UAE/JP2024-05-22 09:30:002024-05-22 18:00:00GTM+8

Service downtime: N/A

Customer impact: N/A

For any questions or concerns, please contact your assigned Customer Service Manager or Trend Micro Technical Support.