  1. 透過CLI介面輸入clish啟用除錯記錄,步驟如下

    [root@IWSVA-6 ~]# clish
    *                  IWSVA                   *
    *                                          *
    *      WARNING: Authorized Access Only     *
    Welcome root it is Tue Apr  7 01:09:17 PDT 2015

    > enable
    Entering privileged mode...

    enable# configure module log verbose http enable
    Please wait while the InterScan Web Security Suite daemon is being checked...ok

    Restarting the InterScan HTTP daemon...
    Please wait while the InterScan Web Security Suite daemon is being checked...ok

    enable# exit
    Leaving privileged mode...

    > exit

  2. 啟用封包擷取功能:

    1. 開啟IWSVAWEB主控台,移動到Administration > Support > Network Packet Capturing頁籤.

      Network Packet Capturing tab


    2. 點選 Add All.

      add all


    3. 點選Start Capturing.

      Start Capturing


  3. 重現問題
  4. 重現問題之後點選Stop CapturingStop Capturing停止封包截取.

    stop capturing


  5. 透過CLI介面輸入clish關閉除錯記錄,步驟如下

    [root@IWSVA-6 ~]# clish
    *                  IWSVA                   *
    *                                          *
    *      WARNING: Authorized Access Only     *
    Welcome root it is Tue Apr  7 01:15:27 PDT 2015

    > enable
    Entering privileged mode...

    enable# configure module log verbose http disable
    Please wait while the InterScan Web Security Suite daemon is being checked...ok

    Restarting the InterScan HTTP daemon...
    Please wait while the InterScan Web Security Suite daemon is being checked...ok

    enable# exit
    Leaving privileged mode...

    > exit
    [root@IWSVA-6 ~]#

  6. 建立並下載System Information File

    1. 在IWSVA WEB主控台,移動到Administration > Support > System Information Files 頁籤

      System Information Files tab


    2. 點選 Generate System Information File.

      Generate System Information File


    3. 從IWSVA主控台下載Packet file 與System Information File 並聯繫趨勢科技支援.