To resolve the issue:
- Log in to the WFBS console and go to Administration > Product License.
- For U.S. customers: Call the Licensing Department hotline (+1-877-268-4847), then on your phone's keypad, press 2-4-3 when prompted.
For Australia/New Zealand customers: You may submit your licence inquiry to E.Tracking.
- Check if your license renewal was registered correctly in their database.
- Open a new browser window and then go to the Trend Micro Product Registration server.
- If you can access the Product Registration server, do Step 5.
- If you cannot access the Product Registration server, make sure that your proxy settings are correct:
- On your web browser menu, click Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Setings.
- If Use a proxy server for your LAN is checked, do Steps 4b - 4h.
- If Use a proxy server for your LAN is unchecked, do Steps 4i - 4j.
- Note the address of the proxy server and its port number.
- Go back to the WFBS console and click Verify Proxy Settings to open the Global Settings page.
- Click the Proxy tab. The page will display the proxy configuration options.
- Tick the Use a proxy server for updates, online license renewal, and world virus tracking checkbox if it is unmarked.
- Type the information you noted from Step 4b.
- If the proxy server requires a password, type your username and password in the fields provided, and then click Save.
- Proceed to Step 5.
- On the WFBS console, click Verify Proxy Settings to open the Global Settings page.
- Make sure that the Use a proxy server for updates, online license renewal, and world virus tracking option is not selected.
- On your web browser menu, click Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Setings.
- Click Administration > Product License to check your license. The license information should now be updated or correct.
If the issue persists, contact Trend Micro Technical Support and provide the following:
- Ofcdebug.log
- Ofcserver.ini
- IIS log
- License key(s)