  1. On the Security Server, open Windows Services and stop the following services:
    • Trend Micro Security Server Master Service
    • Trend Micro Smart Scan Service
    • Trend Micro Plug-in Manager (If existing)

    WFBS Windows Services

  2. Open a Command Prompt window, and go to the directory where the Security Server programs are installed (e.g C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV).
  3. Enter these commands:
    • SVRSVCSETUP -uninstall_PLM (This removes the Trend Micro Plug-in Manager Service.)
    • SVRSVCSETUP -uninstall (This removes the Trend Micro Security Server Primary Service.)

    CMD Commands

    Click the image to enlarge.

  4. Disable sharing of the ..\PCCSRV folder.
    1. Go to ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\Security Server.
    2. Right-click the PCCSRV folder, then select Properties.
    3. Under the Sharing tab, select Advanced Sharing > untick the Do not share this folder option.

      Advanced Folder Sharing

      Click the image to enlarge.

  5. Using Windows Explorer, go to the directory where the Security Server programs are installed and manually delete all files and directories.
  6. Delete the WFBS program group. Do the following:
    1. Go to Start > Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security.
    2. Right-click Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security and select Delete.
    Alternatively, you can delete the files under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Server.
  7. Delete the WFBS Registry entries. Follow the steps below:
    Always back up the whole registry before making any modifications. Incorrect changes to the registry can cause serious system problems.
    1. Open the Registry Editor.
    2. Delete the following registry hive:
      • For 32-bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Security Server_registry.
      • For 64-bit OS: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Security Server_registry.

      Registry Hives

      Click the image to enlarge.

  8. Delete the Security Server shortcut on your Desktop.

If this procedure fails, contact Trend Micro Technical Support for help in uninstalling the Security Server.