
What's new?

  • jQuery Upgrade

    Apex One (Mac) upgrades jQuery to 3.6 to avoid hidden risks.

  • Agent Notifications

    Apex One (Mac) enables administrators to customize the notification message to display on Security Agent endpoints after detecting a device control policy violation.


Existing customers of Trend Micro Apex One (Mac) can directly upgrade to Trend Micro Apex One (Mac) Patch 11 via plug-in manager:

  1. Control the agent upgrade by following the KB article, Controlling Agent Upgrade in Apex One (Mac).
  2. Create a backup of the server by using the Apex One (Mac) Backup and Restore tool.
  3. Log in to the Apex One web console.
  4. Go to the Plug-ins tab.
  5. Scroll down to Apex One (Mac) and click on Download.
  6. Wait for the product download to complete then click Upgrade Now.
  7. Once successful, server version should be 3.5.7360.
  8. Revert the setting placed on Step 1.
  9. Apex One (Mac) agents should upgrade accordingly to version 3.5.7360 after applying this upgrade.