In normal conditions, a process called dblog_janitor would clean up the index resources of table tb_log_table_info. This process dblog_janitor starts running at 4:50 a.m every day to clean up the table_id's that are 60 days old.
Please follow these steps in the parent IMSVA:
1. Backup table tb_log_table_info first from the database by running the following command (will save it in the /tmp directory):
[root@imsva ~]#/opt/trend/imss/PostgreSQL/bin/pg_dump -U sa imss -t tb_log_table_info -f /tmp/tb_log_table_info.sql
2. Run the following SQL command to clean up the index resources of table tb_log_table_info manually:
Note: the timestamp used in the command should be 60 days before the issue started occurring. In the example below, the missing logs started on 2021-08-26, so the date used in the command is 2021-06-26.
[root@imsva ~]#/opt/trend/imss/PostgreSQL/bin/psql imss sa
imss=#update tb_log_table_info set hour_num=-1, time_start=NULL, time_end=NULL, top100data_bookmark=0, trafficsum_bookmark=0, reportsum_bookmark=0, indexed='0', summarized='0', top100data_gened='0', trafficsum_gened='0' where time_start<to_timestamp('2021-06-26 00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');
3. Process dblog_janitor starts running at 4:50 a.m every day to cleanup the table_id that are 60 days older. Collect imsstask logs for process dblog_janitor to check why the table_id that are 60 days old were not cleaned up:
Edit the file /opt/trend/imss/config/imss.ini by removing the comment (#) located before dblogjanitor and set dblogjanitor=debug like below:
Run #/opt/trend/imss/script/ restart
4. Wait for the next time the dblog_janitor starts running (4:50 a.m) and verify if the dblog_janitor has run successfully. The logs should be similar to the following:
2019/05/08 04:50:00 GMT+05:30 [30482:4139951824] [NORMAL]dblog_janitor: dblog_janitor process started successfully
2019/05/08 04:50:00 GMT+05:30 [30482:4139951824] [NORMAL]dblog_janitor: dblog_janitor process started successfully
2019/05/08 04:50:00 GMT+05:30 [30482:4139951824] [DIAGNOSTIC]dblog_janitor: get item dblog_purge_by_day=60
2019/05/08 04:50:00 GMT+05:30 [30482:4139951824] [DIAGNOSTIC]dblog_janitor: get the [Report][dblog_purge_start_time]: 4
2019/05/08 04:50:00 GMT+05:30 [30482:4139951824] [DIAGNOSTIC]dblog_janitor: get the [Report][dbtrafsum_purge_by_day]: 62
2019/05/08 04:50:00 GMT+05:30 [30482:4139951824] [DIAGNOSTIC]dblog_janitor: enter function truncTable endtime=2019-03-09 04:50:00, lcurtime=1557271200
2019/05/08 04:50:30 GMT+05:30 [30482:4139951824] [DIAGNOSTIC]dblog_janitor: leave function truncTable
2019/05/08 04:50:30 GMT+05:30 [30482:4139951824] [DIAGNOSTIC]dblog_janitor: purge all data for centralized reports earlier than 2018-03-09 04:50:00