
Impact during maintenance period

  • Downtime is expected to be around 3 hours within the maintenance period.
  • All endpoints with Security Agent installed are still protected during the maintenance period.
  • Security Agent restart: Yes
  • Security Agent OS reboot: Not required for Security Agents are running build versions later than 10000.

Maintenance Period

Trend Micro will deploy the fix for all product instances on January 19, 2024.

Time range for data center regions:

Data Center RegionStart Time (GMT+0)End Time (GMT+0)
Central US03:00:0016:00:00
Central Canada03:00:0016:00:00
West Europe01:00:0011:00:00
Central India23:00:00 (previous day)09:00:00
Southeast Asia22:00:00 (previous day)08:00:00
Southeast Asia (Korea)09:00:0016:00:00
Australia East09:00:0016:00:00

For support assistance, please contact Trend Micro Technical Support.