SECURITY BULLETIN: Installer Vulnerability in Multiple Trend Micro Products
Release Date: February 19, 2020CVE Identifier(s): CVE-2019-14688 Platform(s): WindowsSeverity Rating(s): MediumTrend Micro has repackaged installers for several Trend Micro products that were found to utilize a version of an install package that had a DLL hijack vulnerability that could be exploited during a new product installation.
Maze Ransomware Attack on a US IT Firm
Maze Ransomware has impacted one of the biggest IT firms based in US.Maze Ransomware: Distributed in late December 2019, the warning indicates that the Bureau first observed the ransomware being wielded against U.S. victims last November. Upon successfully breaching the network, threat actors exfiltrate company files before encrypting machines and network shares. The actors then demand a target-specific ransom in exchange for the decryption key.Impacted Region:US as of 4/19/2020 7:55PM GMT+8
New Threat Detection Naming Scheme in Trend Micro
Starting July 2018, Trend Micro will apply a new Threat Detection Naming Scheme in order to align more closely with the rest of the industries in regards to the naming convention for threats and other malicious files. Moving forward, Trend Micro will start to name malware and other threat detection patterns in alignment with the Computer Antivirus Research Organization (CARO) Malware Naming Scheme, follows the format as described below: <Threat Type>.<Platform>.<Malware Family>.<Variant>.<Other info*> *Optional Below is a more detailed breakdown of the new format:
Searching for information inside Trend Micro’s Business Support Portal
The Search function in the Business Support Portal allows you to query knowledge base articles, product documentation, Q and A discussions, Ideas Exchange topics, Threat Encyclopedia topics, and even your Cases and Files for Analysis.Knowledge Base ArticlesThese articles cover issues encountered by customers and engineers, and the steps to resolve these issues. KB articles range from tips, how-to’s, configuration guides, and alerts to advisories, notable malware or threat warnings, hot topics, known issues, and new releases.Product DocumentationThis is also known as the Online Help Center. You can find product manuals and guides in Trend Micro’s Document Center. It contains the Online Help, administrator guides, deployment guides, system requirements, installation and upgrade guides, and more.QuestionsThese are question and answer discussions. In most cases, questions come from customers and are answered by either product experts or by other customers. At the moment, the discussions are only available for Deep Security.Threat EncyclopediaLatest technical information about malwares, spam, vulnerabilities, and Network Content Inspection rules by Trend Micro’s threat experts are found here.CasesThese are support requests that you have submitted.Files for AnalysisThese are files that you submitted to threat experts for analysis.This article discusses the different ways to search for information in the Trend Micro Business Support Portal. Tips and advanced search techniques such as using operators, wildcards, etc. are also covered.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is being used in email Spam attacks, Malware and other Scams
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is being used as bait in email spam attacks on targets around the globe. As the number of those afflicted continue to surge by thousands, campaigns that use the disease as a lure likewise increase.This has been observed by many entities, and also seen a significant spike in the detection of the use of the subject in email spam attacks.Almost 7,000 unique samples out of 41,000 total Corona Phishing Spam samples reported from Smart Protection Network (SPN) enabled in Trend Micro Messaging products.Available SolutionsSolution ModulesSolution AvailablePattern BranchRelease DateDetection/Policy/RulesEmail ProtectionYesAS Pattern 52683-Mar-20SpamURL ProtectionYesIn the CloudMalware AccompliceFile detection (VSAPI/Smart Scan) and Advanced Threat Scan Engine (ATSE)Yes15.699.0021-Feb-20Backdoor.Win32.REMCOS.USMANEAGFE15.721.003-Mar-20Trojan.X97M.CVE201711882.THCOCBO15.691.0017-Feb-20TrojanSpy.Win32.FAREIT.SMTHC.hp15.695.0019-Feb-20TrojanSpy.Win32.FAREIT.UHBAZCLIZ15.721.003-Mar-20Trojan.MSIL.AGENTTESLA.THCOCBOPredictive Learning (TrendX)YesIn the CloudTroj.Win32.TRX.XXPE50FFF034Downloader.VBA.TRX.XXVBAF01FF006