What network ports and protocols are required for TippingPoint device operations?
This article discusses network ports and protocols required by TippingPoint devices for operation. While some of the ports are required, others will be required depending on your system configuration. You can make other ports available for optional tasks. • Required Ports • Active Response Ports • High Availability (HA) Ports • Optional Ports • SMS encryption protocols, algorithms, and cipher support
Why is the GeoMap not displaying correctly?
For the GeoMap function to work correctly, the Security Management System (SMS) client will require access to http://www.openstreetmap.org/. The OpenStreetMap data usage is free under its open license agreement.
Where do I find the licensing information for my TPS device?
The Licensing page contains information about the status and availability of Trend Micro TippingPoint products and services for licensed devices.
Which TPS devices support X-Forwarded-For & True-Client-IP?
X-Forwarded-For (XFF): The XFF HTTP header field is a common method for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or load balancer.True-Client-IP is used to determine the IP address of a client connecting to a web server in cases where an HTTP proxy or a load balancer is used.HTTP Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs): URIs are formulated in a standard syntax that is used to support information exchange on the Internet.
What happens when the license expires on my TippingPoint device?
TippingPoint device license expiration.
Why is the SMS showing events that are older than one year?
The Security Management System (SMS) displays device events, but the SMS truncates the logs to 1 year. In other words, the old data is coming from the device, and to clean that data, the device logs will have to be reset.
What is a Traffic Management Filter?
Traffic Management filters react to traffic based on a limited set of parameters, including the source IP address, destination IP address, port, protocol, or other defined values.
What is an Auxiliary DV?
Auxiliary DVs are specialized filter packages that address specific security needs. They augment the protection provided by the base DV. The update and distribution of an Auxiliary DV package are independent of your base DV. Auxiliary DV packages are activated when distributed to the device and deactivated when they are uninstalled from the device.
Where do I get the SMS Client software?
The Security Management System (SMS) Client software contains the interface through which you manage your TippingPoint system. You download, install, and run the SMS Client on a Windows, Mac, or Linux-based computer. You download the SMS Client installation software from your SMS Server home page using a Web browser. For hardware and software requirements information, consult the SMS Release Notes or the SMS installation documentation.During the installation process, the installer checks for currently installed versions of the client. Depending on the findings, the application displays options for installing or updating the software. You can make selections, perform the installation, and review progress through the installation process for Windows, Linux, and Mac systems. When complete, the application prompts you to end or open the client upon completion.
What is GEO Locator?
The Security Management System (SMS) incorporates a feature called Geo Locator. The GEO Locator database contains geographical information associated with IP addresses. You can enable the Geo Locator Lookup service to correlate the country of origin for host IP addresses associated with events. You can also query the database to view the country's location for a specified hostname or IP address. In addition, with the Geo Locator service enabled, you can also view a map showing the country of origin for all IP addresses generating events.