  1. Check if the Trend Micro Deep Security Manager Service is running from the services applet.
    1. Click Start.
    2. Type "services.msc" in the open field.
    3. From the Services applet, check if Trend Micro Deep Security Manager Services is started.
  2. Check if you used the correct URL to access the DSM console.

    https://[server FQDN]:[port]

    [server FQDN] is the FQDN of the server where you installed DSM
    [port] is the “Manager Port” you specified during the installation (4119 by default)

    You can check ..\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\ to verify the port. Look for the “port” parameter.

    You may also refer to Workaround I to configure the URL correctly when launching the console.

  3. Check if the Manager Port is open and is not being used by other application.
    1. Open a command prompt and execute this command: netstat -nab.
    2. Make sure that the Manager Port is listed.

      Active Connections
      Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
      [Deep Security Manager.exe]

      You may also refer to Workaround I to configure the URL correctly when launching the console.

  4. Check the URL when opening the management console. If the DSM console URL is FQDN: http://(server FQDN):4119/ Then change the FQDN to server name or to server IP address:


    If any of these two options worked, then refer to Workaround II.

  5. Check if your network is using a Web Proxy Server. If yes, then refer to Workaround III.
  6. Check if Active Scripting is disabled. If yes, then refer to Workaround IV.

Workaround I

Check if the URL was correctly configured from the launch URL.

Workaround II

Change the DSM management console shortcut to point to the correct URL.

Workaround III

If your network is using a web proxy server, then do the following:

  1. From the browser menu, click Tools > Internet Options.
  2. Click the Connections tab and then click LAN Settings.
  3. Select Bypass proxy server for local addresses.
  4. Click Advanced and enter the IP address, server name, and FQDN of the DSM server in the Exception List.
  5. Clear the cache.
  6. Close the browser, open a new browser window, and then try accessing the DSM console.

Workaround IV

For further troubleshooting, replicate the issue and send the following to Trend Micro Technical Support:

  1. Log files from DSM.

    To increase the logging lever:

    1. Go to %ProgramFiles%\Deep Security Manager\jre\lib\
    2. Add one or more statements to the end of the log.

      Refer to this KB article: Enabling debug logs in Deep Security Manager (DSM)

    3. Restart the DSM Service.

    Additional messages will now be logged in %ProgramFiles%\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\server0.log.

  2. System and Application Event Logs
  3. Diagnostic Package
    1. Open a command prompt and go to %ProgramFiles%\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\.
    2. Run the command: dsm_c –action diagnostic

      This will create the file in the same folder.

  4. DSM configuration file

    \Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\webclient\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\