
To use the command line scan function:

  1. Switch to the Apex One agent program path in the command line window.
    For example:

    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Security Agent"

  2. Execute either of the following commands to run the command line scan:
    Administrator privileges is required to run these commands.
    • Wofielauncher.exe -manual_scan_target <target path>
      This command will show the Scan Progress window, and show the scan results.
      This command is NOT supported on a Windows Server Core.

      Example: "Wofielauncher.exe -manual_scan_target d:\".

    • Pccnt.exe <target_path>
      This command will NOT show the Scan Progress window, or the scan results.

      Example: "Pccnt.exe d:\abc\"

    For information on other commands that can be used, refer to Windows Server Core Commands.
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