
To use the PLS-Toolbox in certificate deployment:

  1. Download and install PLS-Toolbox.
    1. Restart the OfficeScan Plug-in service.


    2. Log on to the OfficeScan web console.
    3. Click Plug-ins.


    4. Download ToolBox and install it.

      Download ToolBox

  2. Prepare the certificate package.
    1. Generate the config.ini file with following content:
      • Before XG version (10.6, 11.0, and 11.0 SP1):

        ID = 704
        BinaryName_x86 = IpXfer.exe
        BinaryName_x64 = IpXfer_x64.exe
        Version =
        ReleaseDate = 20140812
        PackageMode = 3

        CommandOption = -e OfcNTCer.dat -t toolbox
        TimeOutAfterExecute = 180

      • After XG version (XG, XG SP1):

        ID = 704
        BinaryName_x86 = IpXfer.exe
        BinaryName_x64 = IpXfer_x64.exe
        Version =
        ReleaseDate = 20140812
        PackageMode = 3

        CommandOption = -e OfcNTCer.dat -pwd <unload password> -t toolbox
        TimeOutAfterExecute = 180


      The Version is the File Version and the ReleaseDate is the Date Modified of the IpXfer.exe. IpXfer.exe and IpXfer_x64.exe should have the same File Version and ReleaseDate.


    2. Access the PCCSRV\PCCNT\COMMON\ folder of the server machine.
    3. Copy the OfcNTCer.dat file.
    4. Go to the OSCE server. 
    5. Proceed to …Admin\utility\ipxfer and access ipxfer.exe and IpXfer_x64.exe files.
    6. Copy the ipxfer tool (32/64 bits).
    7. Compress the config.ini, ipxfer.exe, IpXfer_x64.exe, and OfcNTCer.dat files into a .zip file. The .zip file should contain these 4 files directly, without any subfolders.
  3. Deploy server’s certificate globally to all clients.
    1. Go to ToolBox management page.

      ToolBox management page

    2. Select the sub-domain and click Deploy.


    3. Browse the zip file and deploy it to the client side (i.e.

      OfficeScan ToolBox

    4. Go to the ToolBox management console to check the deployment status.

      Deployment Status

    5. Verify that the file has been deployed on the client side. The original file will be renamed as a BAK file.

      OfcNTCer file

The tool will only work if an operational ofcNTcer.dat file already exists in the clients program directory. Be careful not to delete the wrong ofcNTcer.dat manually because the wrong ofcNTcer.dat will be replaced.