To use the PLS-Toolbox in certificate deployment:
- Download and install PLS-Toolbox.
- Prepare the certificate package.
- Generate the config.ini file with following content:
- Before XG version (10.6, 11.0, and 11.0 SP1):
ID = 704
BinaryName_x86 = IpXfer.exe
BinaryName_x64 = IpXfer_x64.exe
Version =
ReleaseDate = 20140812
PackageMode = 3[Functionality]
CommandOption = -e OfcNTCer.dat -t toolbox
TimeOutAfterExecute = 180 - After XG version (XG, XG SP1):
ID = 704
BinaryName_x86 = IpXfer.exe
BinaryName_x64 = IpXfer_x64.exe
Version =
ReleaseDate = 20140812
PackageMode = 3[Functionality]
CommandOption = -e OfcNTCer.dat -pwd <unload password> -t toolbox
TimeOutAfterExecute = 180
The Version is the File Version and the ReleaseDate is the Date Modified of the IpXfer.exe. IpXfer.exe and IpXfer_x64.exe should have the same File Version and ReleaseDate.
- Before XG version (10.6, 11.0, and 11.0 SP1):
- Access the PCCSRV\PCCNT\COMMON\ folder of the server machine.
- Copy the OfcNTCer.dat file.
- Go to the OSCE server.
- Proceed to …Admin\utility\ipxfer and access ipxfer.exe and IpXfer_x64.exe files.
- Copy the ipxfer tool (32/64 bits).
- Compress the config.ini, ipxfer.exe, IpXfer_x64.exe, and OfcNTCer.dat files into a .zip file. The .zip file should contain these 4 files directly, without any subfolders.
- Generate the config.ini file with following content:
- Deploy server’s certificate globally to all clients.
- Go to ToolBox management page.
- Select the sub-domain and click Deploy.
- Browse the zip file and deploy it to the client side (i.e.
- Go to the ToolBox management console to check the deployment status.
- Verify that the file has been deployed on the client side. The original file will be renamed as a BAK file.