  1. Log on to to the WFBS-SVC console.
  2. Navigate to the Security Agents page.
  3. Select a desktop or server group to configure.
  4. Click Configure Policy.
  5. In the Configure Policy screen for Windows, click Data Loss Prevention.
  6. Turn off Data Loss Prevention by clicking the ON button.
  7. Log on to the endpoint.
  8. Unload the Security Agent from the system tray.

    To unload the Security Agent, right-click the Security Agent icon in the system tray and click Exit Security Agent. Enter the Exit password when required.
  9. Navigate to ..\Trend Micro\Client Server Security Agent\HostedAgent\CPM.
  10. Open CpmConfig.ini with a text editor like notepad.
  11. Go to the [Global Setting] section.
  12. Add the DlpSSUninst parameter manually with the value 1:

    [Global Setting]

  13. Save the change and close the file.
  14. Reload the Security Agent.
  1. Log on to to the WFBS-SVC console.
  2. Navigate to the Polices page.
  3. Under Policy Management, click the policy you want to configure.
  4. In the Configure Policy screen for Windows, click Data Loss Prevention.
  5. Turn off Data Loss Prevention by clicking the ON button.
  6. Log on to the endpoint.
  7. Unload the Security Agent from the system tray.

    To unload the Security Agent, right-click the Security Agent icon in the system tray and click Exit Security Agent. Enter the Exit password when required.
  8. Navigate to ..\Trend Micro\Client Server Security Agent\HostedAgent\CPM.
  9. Open CpmConfig.ini with a text editor like notepad.
  10. Go to the [Global Setting] section.
  11. Add the DlpSSUninst parameter manually with the value 1:

    [Global Setting]

  12. Save the change and close the file.
  13. Reload the Security Agent.