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If users want to install the Apex One Endpoint Sensor database and Apex One database in different MSSQL instances, they should use the tool TrendMicroEndpointSensorHelper to achieve it.

If the Apex One installation package version is 1071, please contact Trend Micro Technical Support to get the tool.

After version 1071, the tool will be included in the installation package.

  • The tool folder is [Apex One Folder]\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\iServicePackage\iES
  • Copy the iATAS folder to tool folder.
  • iATAS folder is [Apex One Folder]\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\iServicePackage\iATAS

If the customer wants to install the Apex One Endpoint Sensor database and Apex One database in different MSSQL instances, refer to the following workarounds, depending on the customer's situation:

  1. Install Apex One server without iES and another MSSQL instance for iES should be installed.
  2. Navigate to the folder of the tool.
    • If you download the tool from the wiki page, make sure the folder structure is the same as shown in the following:

  3. Modify the ServerSetup section in config.xml based on the customer's environment.

OSCEUrlThe hostname of the Apex One serverApexOne-URL 
OSCESSLPortThe port number of ApexOne web server43434343 is default value while installing Apex One. Users can check the IIS setting to know the HTTPS port.
iESUrlThe hostname of the Endpoint Sensor serverApexOne-URLThis value must be the same as the OSCEUrl value.
iESSSLPortThe port number of ApexOne web server4343This value must be the same as the OSCESSLPort value.
SqlInstanceThe instance name of the MS-SQL server(local)If you need to install to a specific instance, you should configure it as "[Server name]\[instance name]"
DatabaseNameThe database nameApexOne-iESThe DB named for iES.
SQLUserNameThe user name of the account used to connect to the databasesaThe account role must be granted with dbcreator and sysadmin permission for the iES DB.
SQLPasswordThe password of the account used to connect to the databaseP@ssw0rdThe password must be in plain text.
IsWinAuthThe authentication type00: False (SQL Server Authentication); 1: True (Windows Authentication)
  1. Rigt-click the tool and click Run as Administration.

  2. Select option 0 in the console to install the Endpoint Sensor server.

  3. Once Apex One Endpoint Sensor is successfully installed, you will get related messages as shown in the following:

  1. The user has installed another MSSQL instance for iES.
  2. On the Apex One server, turn off the Apex One Endpoint Sensor service.
  3. Back up the Apex One Endpoint Sensor database and restore it to another instance. Refer to the Microsoft KB: Back Up and Restore of SQL Server Databases.
  4. Navigate to the folder of the tool, and modify the ChangeSQLInfo section in config.xml based on the customer's environment.

SqlInstanceThe instance name of the MS-SQL server(local)If you need to install to a specific instance, you should configure it as "[Server name]\[instance name]".
DatabaseNameThe database name.ApexOne-iESThe DB named for iES.
SQLUserNameThe user name of the account used to connect to the database.saThe account role must be granted with dbcreator and sysadmin permission for the iES DB.
SQLPasswordThe password of the account used to connect to the databaseP@ssw0rdThe password must be in plain text.
IsWinAuthThe authentication type00: False (SQL Server Authentication); 1: True (Windows Authentication)
  1. Right-click the tool and click Run as Administrator.

  2. Select option 1 in the console to install the Endpoint Sensor server.

  3. Once Apex One Endpoint Sensor is successfuly installed, you will get related messages as shown in the following:

  • Either different SQL servers or the same SQL server, users could use the tool to install databases in the different SQL instances.
  • Once the Apex One Endpoint Sensor database and Apex One database are installed in different MSSQL instances, users need to revise the SQL credential via this tool because Apex One Endpoint Sensor DB credential does not sync up with Apex One DB credential.
    • Users can start with step 4 under "Apex One and Apex One Endpoint Sensor Databases Installed" to change the SQL configuration.
  • If the user detaches the database to a different instance, the tool does not support migrating the Apex One Endpoint Sensor database to the same instance as the Apex One database.

Known issue

  • Users may encounter the following issue:

  • Check the properties of any *.dll file in the tool folder. If there is a security notification same as shown in the image, execute the following PowerShell command to unlock all *.dll files. * Powershell needs to be run as administrator.

    dir [tool folder] -Recurse | Unblock-File

Tool log

  • [Tool folder]\debug.txt

Apex One Endpoint Sensor logs

  • C:\Windows\TMESSetupDebug.log

  • C:\Windows\iATASSetupDebug.log