
To back up the database and files:

  1. Stop all the ScanMail services.
  2. Back up the ..\SMEX\Data\ folder. The configuration, reporting, and logs are all saved in the databases.
  3. Back up the ..\SMEX\config\ folder. The XML files here are used to generate the databases.
    For clustered environment, go to the shared disk and back up \SMEX\Data\ as well.
  4. Start all the ScanMail services.

To restore the database and files:

  1. Stop all the ScanMail services.
  2. Restore the backup copy of the databases to the \SMEX\Data folder.
  3. If you back up the ..\SMEX\config\ folder, restore the backup copy of the XML files to the \SMEX\config folder.
  4. Start all the ScanMail services.
This is also applicable to newer versions of Windows Server.
The /data and /config folder can be backed up and restored without stopping the SQL Server (SCANMAIL) service, unless you plan to migrate the database files based on Step 6 in KB 1114008.

To back up the database and files:

  1. Stop all the ScanMail services.
  2. Back up the ..\SMEX\config\ folder. The XML files here are used to generate the databases.
  3. Go to the remote SQL Server where the ScanMail database is hosted, and open the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  4. Right-click the ScanMail database and select Tasks > Back Up... to back up the ScanMail database to .bak files (e.g. ScanMail.bak).

    Back up the ScanMail database

  5. Under the Source section, set Backup type: to Full.
  6. Under the Destination section, set Back up to: to Disk, and then specify the destination folder and file name.

    Back up to Disk

  7. When ready, click OK. The following message will appear after a successful database backup.

    Successful backup

To restore the database and files:

  1. Stop all the ScanMail services.
  2. Restore the backup copy of the XML files to the \SMEX\config folder.
  3. Go to the remote SQL Server where the ScanMail database is hosted, and open the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  4. On the left panel, right-click Databases and click Restore Database... to restore the ScanMail database from the .bak file.

    Restore database

  5. Under the Source section, select Device and browse for the .bak file.

    Select device

  6. Click OK twice to prepare the Restore Database wizard.
  7. When ready, click OK. The message below will appear after a successful database restoration.

    Successful restoration

  8. Check the list of databases. The newly restored ScanMail database should be listed there.

    List of databases

  9. Start all the ScanMail services.