To back up the database and files:
- Stop all the ScanMail services.
- Back up the ..\SMEX\Data\ folder. The configuration, reporting, and logs are all saved in the databases.
- Back up the ..\SMEX\config\ folder. The XML files here are used to generate the databases.
For clustered environment, go to the shared disk and back up \SMEX\Data\ as well. - Start all the ScanMail services.
To restore the database and files:
- Stop all the ScanMail services.
- Restore the backup copy of the databases to the \SMEX\Data folder.
- If you back up the ..\SMEX\config\ folder, restore the backup copy of the XML files to the \SMEX\config folder.
- Start all the ScanMail services.
The /data and /config folder can be backed up and restored without stopping the SQL Server (SCANMAIL) service, unless you plan to migrate the database files based on Step 6 in KB 1114008.
To back up the database and files:
- Stop all the ScanMail services.
- Back up the ..\SMEX\config\ folder. The XML files here are used to generate the databases.
- Go to the remote SQL Server where the ScanMail database is hosted, and open the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Right-click the ScanMail database and select Tasks > Back Up... to back up the ScanMail database to .bak files (e.g. ScanMail.bak).
- Under the Source section, set Backup type: to Full.
Under the Destination section, set Back up to: to Disk, and then specify the destination folder and file name.
When ready, click OK. The following message will appear after a successful database backup.
To restore the database and files:
- Stop all the ScanMail services.
- Restore the backup copy of the XML files to the \SMEX\config folder.
- Go to the remote SQL Server where the ScanMail database is hosted, and open the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
On the left panel, right-click Databases and click Restore Database... to restore the ScanMail database from the .bak file.
Under the Source section, select Device and browse for the .bak file.
- Click OK twice to prepare the Restore Database wizard.
When ready, click OK. The message below will appear after a successful database restoration.
Check the list of databases. The newly restored ScanMail database should be listed there.
- Start all the ScanMail services.