
To resolve this issue, delete the old entries to reduce the database size:

Generate the necessary reports before following these steps. This procedure will delete the contents of the specific tables in the database. TRUNCATE quickly removes all rows from a table in one run and VACUUM compresses the database.
  1. Log in to the InterScan Web Security Suite (IWSS) or InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance (IWSVA) shell.
  2. Go to the applicable location:
    • For IWSS: .../etc/iscan/PostgreSQL/bin
    • For IWSVA: .../var/iwss/PostgreSQL/bin
  3. Execute the following command:

    ./psql -U sa -d iwss

    The "sa" password will be required. This is usually set by customer to "sa" or "trend". If this is not the case, the password is stored in the /etc/iscan/.pgpass file or /etc/iscan/odbc.ini file, which you can see using the "# cat /etc/iscan/.pgpass" command.

    Giving the correct password, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal displays the following:

    iwss => TRUNCATE TABLE [table name];

    Where the table names are:

    • tb_performance_value: This contains performance information when performance logging is enabled.
    • tb_url_usage: This contains access logs when access logging is enabled.
    • tb_violation: This contains caught viruses, blocked URLs, and other violations.
  4. After truncating each tables, execute this command:

    iwss => VACUUM;

    The vacuum task is done daily at 3:58 AM.

  5. Type "\q" to exit the interactive terminal.
  6. Chek if the database has been shrunk successfully by verifying the database size:

    # /usr/iwss/bin/ localhost 5432 sa iwss