To resolve this issue, delete the old entries to reduce the database size:
- Log in to the InterScan Web Security Suite (IWSS) or InterScan Web Security Virtual Appliance (IWSVA) shell.
- Go to the applicable location:
- For IWSS: .../etc/iscan/PostgreSQL/bin
- For IWSVA: .../var/iwss/PostgreSQL/bin
- Execute the following command:
./psql -U sa -d iwss
The "sa" password will be required. This is usually set by customer to "sa" or "trend". If this is not the case, the password is stored in the /etc/iscan/.pgpass file or /etc/iscan/odbc.ini file, which you can see using the "# cat /etc/iscan/.pgpass" command.Giving the correct password, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal displays the following:
iwss => TRUNCATE TABLE [table name];
Where the table names are:
- tb_performance_value: This contains performance information when performance logging is enabled.
- tb_url_usage: This contains access logs when access logging is enabled.
- tb_violation: This contains caught viruses, blocked URLs, and other violations.
- After truncating each tables, execute this command:
iwss => VACUUM;
The vacuum task is done daily at 3:58 AM.
- Type "\q" to exit the interactive terminal.
- Chek if the database has been shrunk successfully by verifying the database size:
# /usr/iwss/bin/ localhost 5432 sa iwss