
Refer to the table below for the different status codes and their meaning.

Status CodeMeaning
(1xx) Informational codes
100Continue after ICAP preview
101Ready to switch protocol to one requested by client
(2xx) Success codes
200The request has succeeded. The information returned depends on the method.
201Created. The new resource is created. The URI is specified in the body.
202Accepted. The request was accepted but the processing has not being completed.
204No modifications needed.
(4xx) Client error codes
400Bad request
404ICAP Service not found.
405Method not allowed for service (e.g., RESPMOD requested for service that supports only REQMOD)
408Request timeout. ICAP server gave up waiting for a request from an ICAP client.
(5xx) Server error codes
500Server error. Error on the ICAP server, such as "out of disk space"
501Method not implemented. This response is illegal for an OPTIONS request since implementation of OPTIONS is mandatory.
502Bad gateway. This is an ICAP proxy and proxying produced an error.
503Service overloaded. The ICAP server has exceeded a maximum connection limit associated with this service; the ICAP client should not exceed this limit in the future.
505ICAP version not supported by server