
To enable Kernel, User, or Control Manage Debug:

  1. Open the ../opt/TrendMicro/SProtectLinux/tmsplx.xml file using a text editor.
  2. Look for the "UserDebugLevel" parameter and change its value to "5".
  3. Look for the "KernelDebugLevel" parameter and change its value to "3".
  4. Look for the "ControlManagerDebug" parameter and change its value to "3".
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Go to the ../opt/TrendMicro/SProtectLinux/SPLX.util directory.
  7. Run xmlvalidator to verify whether the syntax of the changes that you made are correct.
  8. Go to ../opt/TrendMicro/SProtectLinux/SPLX.vsapiapp and run the "./splxmain -r" command.
  9. Replicate the issue.
  10. When done, collect the following logs:
    • User Debug - all files in the ../opt/TrendMicro/SProtectLinux/SPLX.tmp folder
    • Kernel Debug - copy the ../var/log/messages file
    • Control Manager Debug - the ../opt/TrendMicro/SProtectLinux/Entitymain.log file
  11. Collect the product and system information using the DiagnosticTool. The logs are located in the ../var/log/TrendMicro/CDT_Data folder.