
Here are the files that you can deploy via the hot fix method:

  • Scan Engine – The Scan Engine used by ServerProtect on a Windows platform is initially named “VSAPI-NTKD”.
  • Pattern files – ServerProtect supports Conventional Enterprise pattern (also known as virus pattern) and Damage Cleanup Template.
  • Hot Fixes - Obtained from Trend Micro Technical Support or Technical Account Manager (TAM).

Do the following:

  1. Download the scan engine/pattern files/hot fix package to a temporary folder.
  2. On the Information Server (IS), extract the files that you want Normal Server (NS) to deploy to the hot fix folder:
    • Extract 32-bit scan engine files to the directory \SProtect\Hotfix\32bit and 64-bit scan engine files to the directory \SProtect\Hotfix\64bit.
      • Tmpreflt.sys
      • Tmxpflt.sys
      • Vsapint.sys
    • Extract Conventional Enterprise pattern file lpt$ to both \SProtect\Hotfix\32bit and \SProtect\Hotfix\64bit directories.
    • Extract Damage Cleanup Template file TSC.ptn to both \SProtect\Hotfix\32bit and \SProtect\Hotfix\64bit directories.
    Create these two folders: \Hotfix\32bit and \SProtect\Hotfix\64bit, if they do not exist in the Information Server.
  3. If the file hotfix.ini in \SProtect\Hotfix doesn’t already exist, open Notepad and copy-paste the following entries:

    Server Protect 5.8





    Server Protect 6.0





    If it already exists please just modify the line:
    Read=0 to be Read=1

    To deploy to specific servers, under [common] session, separate the server names with a comma. For example, Server=Server1, Server2, Server3. “Server1” could be either the hostname or IP address of the Normal Server.
  4. Save the file as hotfix.ini in the \SProtect\Hotfix directory.
  5. Wait for a few minutes to let Information Server deploy files to Normal Servers.

The files have been deployed to the Normal Servers when the hotfix.ini file is changed to Read=1.