
To retain the communication between the server and clients when reinstalling the OfficSscan server:

  1. On the Officescan Server, open the ..\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file and take note of the following entries:
    • Master_DomainName
    • Master_DomainPort
    • Client_LocalServer_Port
  2. Make a backup copy of the certificate for the secure server initiated communications using the Authentication Certificate Manager tool:
    1. Open an admin Command Prompt (Right-click Run As Admin) and change to the ..[OSCE Install Path]\PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\CertificateManager.
    2. Back up the existing certificate using the following command:

      Certificatemanager.exe –b {strong password} {Path to save file; eg: C:\Test\}

      Do NOT place this .zip file in the ..\OfficeScan\ directory. Place this in a temporary directory outside of Program Files\Program Files (x86).
  3. If it exists, uninstall the OfficeScan client component on the server computer using Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.
  4. Uninstall the OfficeScan server using Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.
  5. Reboot the server once the uninstallation is complete.
  6. Reinstall OfficeScan and then select Custom Installation.
  7. Enter the information regarding the Client Listening Port that saved previously when required.

    OSCE agent installation

  8. When you reach the Server Authentication Certificate page, select “Import an existing certificate” and then browse to the file created in Step 2. Input the password that was used when running Certificatemanager.exe.

    Server Authentication Certificate

  9. Since this is a new installation of the console, the database will appear empty. This will be automatically populated and will show the online clients after a few minutes.
  10. To force the clients to reappear, you can restart the OfficeScan NT Listener service. Another option is to restart the OfficeScan client computer.