To enable SSL without reinstalling the OfficeScan server:
- Open the ofcscan.ini file using a text editor.
It is located, by default, inside the .../PCCSRV directory. - Under the [INI_SERVER_SECTION] section, edit the value of the "Master_EnableSSL" parameter and change the value to "1".
- Save the changes and close the file.
- Open the ofuninst.ini file.
- Under the [SSL] section, change the value of the "EnableSSL" parameter to "1".
Add the section and parameter if they are not yet available.
- Save the changes and close the file.
- Restart the OfficeScan Master Service.
- Open a command prompt window.
- Change the current directory to the .../PCCSRV directory.
- Run the following command:
svrsvcsetup.exe -enablessl
You should be able to see the following and SSL should now be enabled:
Sync Keys Successfully.
Update web console URL successfully.
New URL is https://servername:443/officescan/default.htm