
To enable SSL without reinstalling the OfficeScan server:

    1. Open the ofcscan.ini file using a text editor.
      It is located, by default, inside the .../PCCSRV directory.
    2. Under the [INI_SERVER_SECTION] section, edit the value of the "Master_EnableSSL" parameter and change the value to "1".


    3. Save the changes and close the file.
    4. Open the ofuninst.ini file.
    5. Under the [SSL] section, change the value of the "EnableSSL" parameter to "1".
      Add the section and parameter if they are not yet available.


    6. Save the changes and close the file.
    7. Restart the OfficeScan Master Service.
    8. Open a command prompt window.
    9. Change the current directory to the .../PCCSRV directory.
    10. Run the following command:

      svrsvcsetup.exe -enablessl

You should be able to see the following and SSL should now be enabled:

Sync Keys Successfully.
Update web console URL successfully.
New URL is https://servername:443/officescan/default.htm