
No, there are no command line switches for install.exe, but the user can do the following to disable pre-scan when performing OfficeScan client / Apex One agent installations:

Install using Autopcc.exe without Pre-scan

  1. On the OfficeScan/Apex One server, go to the \PCCSRV\Autopcc.cfg directory.
  2. Open the AutoPCC.INI file using Notepad Editor.
  3. Under the [INSTALL] section, make the following changes:


    Change the value of the NoPrescan parameter from "0" to "1".
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Proceed with the installation by running the following command on the client/agent machine:

    \\{IP or FQDN of OfficeScan/Apex One On-Premise}\ofcscan\AutoPCC.exe


If the problem persists, please contact Trend Micro Technical Support for further assistance.

Install using the Client Packager Tool without Pre-scan

  1. On the OfficeScan/Apex One server, go to the \PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\ClientPackager directory.
  2. Run ClnPack.exe.
  3. Select the "Disable prescan (only for fresh install)" checkbox.
  4. Configure the other desired settings and then click Create.
  5. Send the package via email or copy it to a CD. This can be used to install the OfficeScan client / Apex One agent.