No, there are no command line switches for install.exe, but the user can do the following to disable pre-scan when performing OfficeScan client / Apex One agent installations:
Install using Autopcc.exe without Pre-scan
- On the OfficeScan/Apex One server, go to the \PCCSRV\Autopcc.cfg directory.
- Open the AutoPCC.INI file using Notepad Editor.
- Under the [INSTALL] section, make the following changes:
NoPrescan=1Change the value of the NoPrescan parameter from "0" to "1". - Save and close the file.
- Proceed with the installation by running the following command on the client/agent machine:
\\{IP or FQDN of OfficeScan/Apex One On-Premise}\ofcscan\AutoPCC.exe
Install using the Client Packager Tool without Pre-scan
- On the OfficeScan/Apex One server, go to the \PCCSRV\Admin\Utility\ClientPackager directory.
- Run ClnPack.exe.
- Select the "Disable prescan (only for fresh install)" checkbox.
- Configure the other desired settings and then click Create.
- Send the package via email or copy it to a CD. This can be used to install the OfficeScan client / Apex One agent.