If you want to use the EUQ solution, Trend Micro suggests activating the EUQ during SMEX installation.
It is not recommended to use the SMEX EUQ function on the following scenarios:
  1. Exchange 2007/2010 Mailbox server role is installed on a domain controller
  2. Exchange 2007/2010 Client Access server role is installed on a domain controller, even if the Mailbox server role is installed on a member server.
Below are the reasons for the non-recommendation:
  1. Microsoft recommends installing Exchange server 2007 or 2010 on member servers only. For more information, please check the following Microsoft KB articles:
  2. SMEX EUQ uses Exchange MapiCDO. However, there are incompatibility issues between MapiCDO and the Active Directory Servers, and Microsoft does not support the scenario of running MapiCDO on Active Directory servers.
However, if you have selected "Junk Email" during installation instead of EUQ, follow these steps: 
  1. Install the required component Exchange MapiCDO.
    • For Exchange Server 2007, use ExchangeMapiCdo.MSI (v6.5.7940.0).
    • For Exchange 2010, use ExchangeMapiCdoE14.MSI (v6.5.8131.0).
      Note: Do not install the specified version of MapiCdo component provided here.
  2. Turn off the "Integrated with Junk Email" function by doing the following on each SMEX server:
    1. Open the Registry Editor.
      Important: Always back up the whole registry before making any modifications. Incorrect changes to the registry can cause serious system problems.
    2. Go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\ScanMail for Exchange\CurrentVersion
    3. Look for the "JunkEmailIntegration" key and change its value to "0".
    4. Close the Registry Editor.
  3. Activate EUQ on the SMEX web console manually.
    1. Log in to the SMEX web console.
    2. Go to Administration > Spam Maintenance page and activate EUQ.