
To use the svrsvcsetup.exe tool:

  1. Open a command prompt on the OfficeScan server PCCSRV directory.
  2. Run the following command:
    svrsvcsetup.exe [parameter]

Here are the available parameters for the command above:

-installInstalls and starts the OfficeScan Master Service, and creates the OfficeScan virtual directories.
-uninstallRemoves the OfficeScan Master Service and Web Server dependencies.
-getsvrinfoObtains and saves the following details to the SVCINFO.LOG file:
  • IIS port number from the IIS metabase
  • Apache version from the Add/Remove Programs and Support Information
  • Operating system version (calls the Windows API)
  • IIS patch information from the registry
-setprivilegeSets the permissions on the PCCSRV directory's files and folders.
-setvirdirRebuilds the IIS virtual directories by deleting and recreating them, then starting the IIS.
-refillsharelocalpathRefills the local path info in the OfcUninst.ini file.
-launchsetupLaunches the setup.exe on the remote computer by calling the svrsvcsetup.exe during remote server installation.
-LaunchOSCEAppRuns the installers for selected modules, including the Policy Server and OfficeScan NT Client. The setup.exe uses this parameter to call the PCCSRV\Pccnt\Disk1\Install.exe and install the OfficeScan NT client.
-enablesslEnables the SSL on the selected Web Server creating a new private key in PCCSRV\Private\certificate\privkey.pem and changing the file settings to reflect the new keys.
-UpgradeCTA2PackageUpgrades the Cisco Trust Agent (CTA) program from version 1 to 2.
-migratecmagentMigrates the Control Manager component to the new MCP framework.
-upgradesettingUpgrades the personal firewall module to version 8.0.
-BackupAosRegBack up the OfficeScan Plug-in Manager information.
-RestoreAosRegRestores OfficeScan Plug-in Manager information.
-dbmigrate55Currently not used.
-dbmigrate60Currently not used.
-dbmigrate70Currently not used.
-RecoveryPolicyServerSettingNot used in OfficeScan 8.0.
/?Displays the information of the parameter.
-installInstalls and starts the OfficeScan Master Service, and creates the OfficeScan virtual directories.
-uninstallRemoves the OfficeScan Master Service and Web Server dependencies.
-uninstall_upgBack up the settings and files for upgrade before removing OfficeScan.
-uninstall_regenBack up the settings and files for upgrade before removing OfficeScan.
-getsvrinfoObtains and saves the following details to the SVCINFO.LOG file:
  • IIS port number from the IIS metabase
  • Apache version from the Add/Remove Programs and Support Information
  • Operating system version (calls the Windows API)
  • IIS patch information from the registry
-setprivilegeSets the permissions on the PCCSRV directory's files and folders.
-setprivilege_upgSets the permissions on the PCCSRV directory's files and folders for upgrade scenario.
-setvirdirRebuilds the IIS virtual directories by deleting and recreating them, then starting the IIS.
-launchsetupLaunches the setup.exe on the remote computer by calling the svrsvcsetup.exe during remote server installation.
-LaunchOSCEAppIt is used to launch ApacheMonitor.exe during server installation.
-enablesslEnables the SSL on the selected Web Server creating a new private key in PCCSRV\Private\certificate\privkey.pem and changing the file settings to reflect the new keys.
-dbmigrateExecutes database migrations from previous version.
-migratecmagentMigrates the Control Manager component to the new MCP framework. It is used when Control Manager component has previous framework (TMI-based). After OSCE 10.0, Control Manager component transfers to MCP framework.
-upgradesettingUpgrades the personal firewall modules, and migrates the RBA setting and sorting rule.
-BackupAosRegBack up the OfficeScan Plug-in Manager information.
-RestoreAosRegRestores OfficeScan Plug-in Manager information.
-EnableIPv6Enables IPv6 functionalities in the OfficeScan server, and subsequently deploys IPv6 to clients.