  1. Open ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\wss\service.ini
  2. Check the Smart Scan server port under [Service]. Modify the entries as follows then save:
  3. Open ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Private\ofcserver.ini
  4. Under the following, modify the entries as follows then save:
    WSS_URL=http://%NEW IP or Hostname%:8082/tmcss/
  5. Open ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\OfUninst.ini
  6. Under the following, modify the entries as follows then save:
  7. Change smart scan port from 8059 to 8082 in sscfg.ini, service.ini and ssnotify.ini. These ini files are located in the directories below:
    ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\sscfg.ini
    ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\wss\service.ini
    ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\ssnotify.ini
  8. Save the changes.
  9. Restart the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service

If the IP Address or Domain Name has been change, the WFBS Server Config files must be updated. Do the steps below:

  1. Open the ..\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:
        [Manual Scan Configuration]
        MoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
        CleanFailedMoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
        [Real Time Scan Configuration]
        MoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
        CleanFailedMoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
        [Prescheduled Scan Configuration]
        MoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
        CleanFailedMoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
        [Scan Now Configuration]
        MoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
        CleanFailedMoveDir =HTTP://%NEW IP or Hostname%
        MasterDirectory=\%NEW IP or Hostname%\ofcscan
        Master_DomainName=%NEW IP or Hostname%
  2. Open the ..\PCCSRV\OfUninst.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:
        InstallServer=\\%NEW IP or Hostname%
        MasterDirectory=\\%NEW IP or Hostname%\ofcscan
        InstallWorkStation=%NEW IP or Hostname%
  3. Open the ..\PCCSRV\Private\ofcserver.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:
        HOST_NAME=%NEW Hostname%
        WSS_URL=http://%NEW IP or Hostname%:8082/tmcss/
        Device0_DeviceName=%NEW Hostname%
  4. Open the sscfg.ini and ssnotify.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:
        Local_ScanService=http://%NEW IP or Hostname%:8082/tmcss/
  5. Open the ..\PCCSRV\WSS\service.ini file using a text editor and modify the values of the following lines:
        HTTPS_CERT=%NEW IP or Hostname%
  6. Modify the following items for apache:
    1. Stop the Apache service
    2. Modify the following in ...\PCCSRV\Apache2\conf\Httpd.conf:
      • Listen 8059
        By default, the port is 8059. To verify, go to the ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV directory and open the ofcscan.ini file. Look for the value of Master_Domainport
      • ServerAdmin %username%@%NEW IP or Hostname%
      • ServerName %NEW IP or Hostname%:8059
    3. Restart the Apache service.
  7. Save the changes.
  8. Restart the Trend Micro Security Server Master Service

If the issue still occurs, contact Trend Micro Technical Support and provide the following:

  • Case Diagnostic Tool (CDT) log generated on the WFBS server
  • Copy of the IIS log:
    • For IIS 7.0, this is the ..\Inetpub\wwwroot\logfiles\W3SVCnumber\exyymmdd.log
    • For IIS 6.0, this is the %windir%\System32\LogFiles\W3SVCnumberexyymmdd.log
      number is the site ID for the Smart Scan website.
      yymmdd is the date the log file was created or modified.
    • For Apache, this is the ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\Apache2\Logs