
To avoid the aforementioned issues, include the following ports in the firewall exception list:

ComponentPort List
Security Server Side
  • port 25 (outbound) - This is for SMTP connection.
  • port 4343 (inbound) - This is for SSL connection to the WFBS console.
  • Master_DomainPort (inbound) - can be found in ..PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file on the Security Server
Exchange Server Side (MSA)
  • port 16372 (inbound) - This is for the Messaging Security Agent
Mac Clients (TMSM Agent)
  • port 61617 (inbound) - Security for Mac (TMSM) Agent Port
All Windows Clients and Servers
  • Client_LocalServer_Port (inbound) - can be found in ..PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file on the Security Server
  • proxy port (outbound) - if there is any
Agent communication portThis is a random 5-digit port number generated during installation.
To determine this port number, go to the ..\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file and check the "Client_LocalServer_Port" parameter.
WFBS web server portThis uses HTTP port 8059 or 80 by default.
To determine this port number, go to the ..\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file and check the "Master_DomainPort" parameter.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) portThis uses port 4343 or 443 by default.
When SSL is enabled, this port is used when opening the web console or when installing clients via Web Install.
To determine this port number, go to the ..\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file and check the "Master_SSLPort" parameter.
NetBIOS port(s)This uses ports 137 to 139, and 445.
These ports are used when installing clients via Remote Install and when clients send quarantined files to the server using the UNC path.
Smart Scan Server portThis uses HTTP port 8082 and HTTPS port 4345. To determine this port number, go to the ...\PCCSRV\wss\service.ini file and check the "HTTP" and "HTTPS" parameter.
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