
To disable the client self-protection feature:

  1. Log in to the WFBS console.
  2. Go to the Devices tab.
  3. On the left pane, select the specific group of the computers.
  4. Click Configure Policy > Agent Privileges.
  5. Scroll down and look for the Client Security section, then untick the Prevent users or other processes from modifying Trend Micro program files, registries and processes option.
  6. Click Save. The Security Agent will automatically get the update.


Leaving the Client Self-protection disabled poses a risk for the system's security. It is highly recommended that the Self-Protection is re-enabled. To do this, tick the Prevent users or other processes from modifying Trend Micro program files, registries and processes option again.

To force the update on a Security Agent, do either of the following:

  • Right-click the Security Agent icon on the system tray, and select Update Now.
  • Open command prompt and run the following: \\<wfbs server name>\Ofcscan\autopcc.exe -f -u -v