
To change the password:

  1. Log on to the WFBS console.
  2. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Desktop/Server.
  3. Under the Security Agent Uninstallation Password section, select Require the client user to enter a password to uninstall the Security Agent.
  4. Type the new password for uninstalling the SA.
  5. Click Save. The Security Agent should have the new password in one minute.
    To force the update on the Security Agent, do one of the following:
    • From the client computer, open the command prompt and run the following:

      \\<WFBS server name>\ofcscan\autopcc.exe

    • Right-click the Security Agent icon on the system tray and select Update Now.
If this procedure fails, contact Trend Micro Technical Support for help in uninstalling the Security Agent.