
To resolve the issue, recreate the virtual websites by doing the following:

  1. On the Security Server, open the IIS Manager.
  2. Delete the OfficeScan virtual website and then close the IIS Manager.

    IIS Manager

  3. Open a command prompt and then change directory to ..\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV.
  4. Type each command and press Enter:

    svrsvcsetup.exe -setvirdir
    svrsvcsetup.exe -setprivilege
    svrsvcsetup.exe -enablessl (if using SSL)

    If this is for 64-bit, use the following commands instead:

    svrsvcsetup_64x.exe -setvirdir
    svrsvcsetup_64x.exe -setprivilege
    svrsvcsetup_64x.exe -enablessl (if using SSL)

  5. Close the command prompt and then open IIS Manager.
  6. Check if the OfficeScan virtual website was recreated.
  7. Click the OfficeScan website and then double-click the ISAPI Filters to open the feature.

    ISAPI Filters

  8. Right-click the middle pane, and then select "Add".
  9. Type "ReverseProxy" in the Filter Name field.
  10. Click Browse and find ..\PCCSRV\Web_console\CGI\ReverseProxy.dll.

  11. Click Open to assign the value in Step 10 for the Executable field.
  12. Save the changes and access the WFBS or WFBS Advanced console.

    If the issue still occurs, contact Trend Micro Technical Support and provide the Case Diagnostic Tool (CDT) log generated on the WFBS server.