
Performance dropping is more complex than the software blocking issue. For initial troubleshooting, the following can be done:

  1. Identify the Process that has a high CPU and/or Memory usage.
    If the actual process is not available due to security restrictions, the name of the application would also apply.
  2. Ensure that the application and the Apex One / Worry-free agent are running on the latest patches.
  3. Record the time encountered the performance issue and if the Trend Micro Behavior Monitoring and/or Device Control is present.
  4. Add the said processes to the Behavior Monitoring Exception List, then verify if the issue perissts.
The Trend Micro Performance Tuning Tool (TMPerfTool) can analyze and identify the processes that may be related to the performance issues while the Trend Micro Apex One or Worry-free Business Security agent is running in the background, and has the feature to add them to the exception list. However, for security considerations, you can only secure a copy of this tool by contacting Trend Micro Technical Support.

If the issue persists, proceed to the following steps:

  1. Isolate the machine for further investigation and attempt to perform the following:
    • Run the Case Diagnostic Tool on the machine to capture all necessary logs needed for further analysis. Ensure that the debugging mode is on:
      • Test the application when Behavior Monitoring is up and running.
    • Stop the debugging mode, then collect the captured log for this test. Disable the Behavior Monitoring feature then reboot the machine. Re-run the CDT tool and perform the test:
      • Test the application when Behavior Monitoring is disabled temporarily.
  2. Compile the CDT logging, then re-enable the Behavior Monitoring afterward.
  3. By this time, there should be two sets of CDT Logs:
    • BM Feature is running (CDT 1)
    • BM feature is disabled (CDT 2)
  4. Create a support ticket by reaching Trend Micro Technical Support.