
Configuring the IDF Server Listening Port

By default, the IDF server plug-in uses port 4120 for client to server communication. If this port is not allowed to go through a network firewall, you can change the IDF Server Listening Port by running this command locally on the IDF server under the IDF directory:

- idf_c.exe -action setports -managerPort 4119 -heartbeatPort 443


- managerPort is the web console port number

- heartbeatPort is the port number used by agents to communicate with the server

Configuring the IDF Server name

By default, the IDF Plug-in Manager uses hostname information that the clients use to communicate with the server. If the hostname is not resolvable, you can update the IDF configuration to allow it to use FQDN.

Do the following:

  1. Install SQL Express Management Studio on the OfficeScan server.
  2. Open the SQL Express Management Studio and go to the IDF Database > ManagerNodes table.
  3. Update the Server and ServerURL field to use FQDN instead of Hostname.
  4. Deactivate and activate the IDF Agent to use the latest configuration setting.
You may reactivate via the IDF web console or locally on the client machine using these commands:

To reset: dsa_control.exe /r

To activate: dsa_control.exe /a dsm://fqdn:serverport/