
To ensure that clients stay protected from the latest threats, make sure that the Client/Server Security Agents are up-to-date with the latest components. WFBS-SVC components are updated automatically or can be manually updated.

Updatable components in WFBS-SVC

AntivirusVirus pattern
Virus scan engine 32-bit
Virus scan engine 64-bit
Virus cleanup template
Virus cleanup engine 32-bit
Virus cleanup engine 64-bit
IntelliTrap Exception Pattern
IntelliTrap Pattern
Feedback engine 32-bit
Feedback engine 64-bit
Smart Scan Pattern
Smart Scan Agent Pattern
Anti-spywareSpyware scan engine 32-bit
Spyware scan engine 64-bit
Spyware pattern
Spyware active-monitoring pattern
Web Reputation and URL FilteringURL filtering engine 32-bit
URL filtering engine 64-bit
BehaviorBehavior Monitoring Driver
Behavior Monitoring Core Service
Policy Enforcement Pattern
Digital Signature Pattern
Behavior Monitoring Configuration Pattern
Behavior Monitoring
Detection Pattern
Outbreak DefenseVulnerability pattern

Default update time of WFBS-SVC

By default, the Active Agent in a network checks for updates and downloads components, if necessary, from the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate Server under the following circumstances:
  • When you install the product for the first time, all components for the Agents are immediately updated
  • Client/Server Security Agent runs a scheduled update every 2 hours

The Trend Micro recommended settings for component updates provide reasonable protection to small- and medium-sized business. If necessary, you can run manual updates.

Generally, Trend Micro updates the scan engine or program only during the release of a new WFBS-SVC version. However, Trend Micro releases pattern files frequently.